Off to dartmoor camping for a week for a weee holiday and to get drunk with friends. Please don't release the patch untill I get back. (there may be a cup of tea in it for you Scavier!)
The first photo is before redecorating last year. Now the desk has been moved around to the left hand wall so I can look outside easier
View out of window
haha , like the person on acid who hides the "leprichaun" in the cupboard and when he recoveres from the trip wonders why he has a midget locked up in his cupboard
Thankfully I am in -pounds in ym bank and as it was the banks fault they cannot do anything and are trying to challenge me. Maybe I am the reason why the bank are "in debt" haha
Haha I like you. I can't understand why but I do. tbh most the people on the forums suck balls anyway but can be funny sometimes with thier ignorance.
Back on topic if this deal is true well it's good to be us. But they will want soem kind of shares/strategy in the future. Maybe incorporating us into the national anthem..oh wait thats already there. Maybe saying we should teach religion in schools. oh wait thats there too (well it was 10 years ago I imagine it is still there hyms and all)
We shall have to see. Though I very much doubt this is a true story
Excuse the red tongue it's the red wine talking :p